Monday, June 4, 2012

Nursery letters!

We Finished Sophia's nursery letters yesterday! They are so much fun to do! 
Her theme is shabby chic tea party.

I did them with my son as well, and intend on doing it with all future kiddos :D

Here are a few pictures of Tristan's too. 
His theme was owls :]

Gender reveal!

About a week ago we found out the sex of our baby!

To let our parents know the sex we wanted to do something fun. It was hard to come up with something cute and affordable to send out to different destinations!
We ended up deciding to make special gender reveal cookies that I found on this blog, but with a bit of my own twist on them of course! :]

To make it affordable to send and let them find out same day, we made 'A' cookies (labeled in a sandwich bag) and 'B' cookies. That way they could be made a few days in advance and not have to be overnighted! After we found out the sex, I text them the according letter. The reason I text them instead of call was so that I didn't give it away with my excitement!!!

Everyone loved them and it went amazing!

Here are my cookies :D


That leads me to tell you that we are having a..... GIRL!!!! :D
Her name is Sophia Maeve.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Long time, no post!

Well I found out that I am pregnant with our 2nd baby about 3 months ago!
The beginning was a bit of a bumpy ride, but the baby is strong and healthy with a perfect heartbeat :D And in 44 days we get to find out if we are having Sophia Maeve or Finnley Elias!

I just recently stopped having CONSTANT nausea that left me pretty much unable to do anything other than the basics. Hence no posts lol. Oh and also we had a mold problem in our house and we had to move out same day! They moved us to a temporary house (that we are currently in) and we are getting moved to our next home in 11 days. It is exciting and nerve wracking all at once! 

Recently Tristan had his 2nd Easter, and 1st egg hunt!! :D He really enjoyed playing with the eggs, soooo much so that I forgot to give him his other basket until the next day! Oops! He didn't care though, he was just so excited to have new stuff to play with. :]

Anywho, I am off! I have a lot of laundry, and cleaning to do before my best friend Meri arrives in 4 days... and there is SOOOO MUCH TO DO!

<3 Joyce

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Feeding Trouble

Recently Tristan has realized that he has the freedom to say, "NO!" 
This new realization is really stressful for poor mommy! I have been having a verrrry hard time getting him to eat things. If it isn't the way he wants to eat it... he just wont eat it. If it isn't what he wants to eat... he just wont eat it. If he isn't in a good mood... he probably is not going to eat it. 

When I say the way he wants to eat it, I mean that he has recently (within the last 2 weeks) decided that using a spoon and fork himself is super awesome. (Which it is!) He doesn't care if he slops it off before it gets to his mouth, and he certainly doesn't care if he gets it all over mommy and him while doing it. I am very happy that he is learning this big boy skill, but it is a messy transition!  My patience is being all used up, which does make me a bit snappy at everyone else around while I am trying to feed Tristan. Even the poor souls who just want to help!

This phase is a lot more difficult than his tongue wiggling one at 5 months, which just made me have a giggle fit. :]

How cuuuuute!

So if I can't even get him to eat 'yummy' foods in certain situations, how am I supposed to get him to eat the 'good for you' stuff?! I have been wrestling with him for awhile now trying to figure out any successful methods. 

So far, if I give him little slices of random vegetables while making myself salad he will play with them and then eat a little bit of whatever is there. But mostly just spits it all out. With the adorably, TERRIBLE *spit spray* thing he has going. He loves to do it even with yummy food, and giggles up a storm. I have learned that I can't even smirk at him without it signaling for round two to commence!

Another method I have tried is making a moosh of fruit with one veggie hidden in there.... it used to be delicious to him when he was younger. Of course, now it just makes him spray it in my face. 

 There is that spray starting.... *grrrr* he is so CUTE!    

But it seems that the only successful method to get him to eat vegetables... is to put it in something mommy thinks is super delicious, and just share mine with him. 
I make some pretty amazing black bean enchiladas with tons of veggies in them and he will gobble up a whole one! Also, eggs mixed with veggies and cheese works. Pasta sauce with chopped up veggies is another. And making pizzas loaded with veggies.  Things like that are my only hope for now. But I do still try and give him steamed and raw veggies daily, in hopes that he will eventually just EAT IT! 

What a great face!

Oh and he loved the green bean casserole at Thanksgiving time! :D 

 But he does still eat a ton, THANK THE LORD!!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Birthday Boy!

My sons first birthday was 1-11-12!
It was pretty fantastic. Even though we are far away from our family, we had friends come over for his party to celebrate our little guy turning ONE! 

The theme was turquoise and owls! 
Also some Pretzel tots!
Rice crispy treats dipped in chocolate, and some m&ms!
Our beautiful owl pinata was made by me, and I am very pleased with my pinata skills! I made it a string pulling method to avoid any indoor incidents!

And of course there was a cupcake smash! Tristan was hesitant at first and then dove in for a big bite! 
He looooved his birthday cupcake! 

Then he was changed into his birthday tux for presents and pinata fun! 

His first birthday was amazing, and after I decided perfection was not important, it was FUN!