Monday, June 4, 2012

Nursery letters!

We Finished Sophia's nursery letters yesterday! They are so much fun to do! 
Her theme is shabby chic tea party.

I did them with my son as well, and intend on doing it with all future kiddos :D

Here are a few pictures of Tristan's too. 
His theme was owls :]

Gender reveal!

About a week ago we found out the sex of our baby!

To let our parents know the sex we wanted to do something fun. It was hard to come up with something cute and affordable to send out to different destinations!
We ended up deciding to make special gender reveal cookies that I found on this blog, but with a bit of my own twist on them of course! :]

To make it affordable to send and let them find out same day, we made 'A' cookies (labeled in a sandwich bag) and 'B' cookies. That way they could be made a few days in advance and not have to be overnighted! After we found out the sex, I text them the according letter. The reason I text them instead of call was so that I didn't give it away with my excitement!!!

Everyone loved them and it went amazing!

Here are my cookies :D


That leads me to tell you that we are having a..... GIRL!!!! :D
Her name is Sophia Maeve.