Monday, April 16, 2012

Long time, no post!

Well I found out that I am pregnant with our 2nd baby about 3 months ago!
The beginning was a bit of a bumpy ride, but the baby is strong and healthy with a perfect heartbeat :D And in 44 days we get to find out if we are having Sophia Maeve or Finnley Elias!

I just recently stopped having CONSTANT nausea that left me pretty much unable to do anything other than the basics. Hence no posts lol. Oh and also we had a mold problem in our house and we had to move out same day! They moved us to a temporary house (that we are currently in) and we are getting moved to our next home in 11 days. It is exciting and nerve wracking all at once! 

Recently Tristan had his 2nd Easter, and 1st egg hunt!! :D He really enjoyed playing with the eggs, soooo much so that I forgot to give him his other basket until the next day! Oops! He didn't care though, he was just so excited to have new stuff to play with. :]

Anywho, I am off! I have a lot of laundry, and cleaning to do before my best friend Meri arrives in 4 days... and there is SOOOO MUCH TO DO!

<3 Joyce